It's Time For a Change. We Can Help.

How will you and your team adapt to an uncertain and rapidly changing world?
Business is changing at the speed of light and in the context of today’s fast-moving and highly disruptive world, small incremental goals are the single best formula for creating an uninspired workforce and they risk the very existence of any business
In sharp contrast, Big Bold Goals stretch what we believe is possible and when we set big bold goals, we also build a plan grounded in reality to achieve it. Big bold goals not only engage and focus a team but they also force us to get creative and innovative in ways we may not have otherwise considered.
Teams are becoming more disconnected, experiencing mental health challenges
and missing real life interaction.
When it comes to ambitious growth plans, here's what we hear from leaders...
We’re not agile enough
We’re not resilient enough
We need to undertake digital transformation.
The answer comes down to a single deeply rooted thread…
It’s about how leaders and their teams are being developed…or more significantly how they aren’t being developed. The traditional approach to Leadership and Teamwork Development isn’t working.
Despite billions spent annually on Leadership Development, 90% of the programmes simply did not work (Deloitte Human Capital Trends).
The majority of training in today’s companies is ineffective, the purpose, timing and content of the training is flawed (Harvard Business Review)
Over 70% of employees reported that they didn’t have mastery of the skills needed to do their jobs (Harvard Business Review)
It's time for a change. We can help.
Contact us to discuss your challenges and the outcomes you would like. One of the most popular starting points for many clients is to book a motivational leadership speaker to talk to a team on Big Bold Goals. This plants the ideas that can be covered in the teamwork and leadership development workshops and programmes that follow on from the talk.